Willow Way
The materials take influence from traditional brick style mews house with contemporary architectural detailing. The proposals are to be constructed in line with Passivhaus principles to deliver a sustainable, quality, and energy efficient development. Buildings designed to Passivhaus standards provide a high level of comfort whilst utilising minimum energy. They are built with meticulous attention to detail at design and construction stage to achieve an airtight building fabric, high performing windows, high levels of insulation, highly efficient MVHR and a thermal bridge free construction. Passivhaus buildings achieve a 75% reduction in space heating requirement, compared to standard practice for UK new builds. The Passivhaus standard therefore helps the industry achieve the 80% carbon reductions required from 2025 under the Future Homes and Buildings Standard.
Willow Way is a new fully affordable mews style residential development located in the east of Ampthill, Central Bedfordshire. It was commissioned by Grand
Union Housing Group with a value of £2.5m. We worked with consultants Smith Jenkins Ltd on the project.
The development saw the demolition of an existing garage site and construction of eleven much-needed affordable dwellings. The site provides a mix of 1- and
2- bed dwellings, with contemporary open plan internal layouts, integrated parking and generous terraces
providing high quality external amenity spaces.
The design has been carefully considered to sit
well within the street scape and respond positively to the existing built form in terms of mass and scale.