Appeal allowed in Renhold, Bedfordshire.
Benchmark Architects is delighted to announce that the planning appeal at Woodfield Lane, Renhold has been allowed. The scheme will see the demolition of two existing bungalows and the construction of three stunning new dwellings in the charming village of Renhold, Bedfordshire. After over two years, two applications, two appeals and a great team effort working with Natalie Wilson and Ellie Lewtas at Tetra Tech Europe and Chris Elliot from Rappor we are extremely pleased with the result.
The development will provide 2no. high-quality 3- bedroom houses and 1no. 2- bedroom bungalow to replace the poor-quality existing dwellings on the site. Additionally, the development will provide car and cycle parking, improved street scene and highway arrangements; there will also be an improved access drive.
The design of the development incorporates durable and sustainable materials and aims to create a development that compliments, respects, and enhances the surrounding built context.
The street and public realm will be significantly improved with the new two-storey dwellings set back from the line of the existing bungalows, therefore, improving the separation between the dwellings facing the main road. New landscaping and planting will further enhance biodiversity and wildlife.
The materials will reflect and enhance the local surrounding context through its contemporary architectural detailing. The development will create a vibrant addition to the area and much needed varied accommodation for residents within Renhold.
20 March 2024